Apex Computer Systems, Inc., is very concerned with the fast moving, global challenges that we are all facing due to coronavirus (COVID-19). Please be assured that during this time of evolving changes, the health and safety of our team members and our customer’s personnel is our highest priority while we continue to provide high -quality, uninterrupted service in support of your business.
In addition to monitoring guidance from local, national and global health organizations, we will also be following all guidelines and mandatory restrictions that may be decreed by local, state and federal authorities.
- Currently, we will continue normal operations as before with the following exceptions:
- All meetings will be conducted online.
- Non-critical activities that require onsite visits will be postponed for the next two weeks.
- Critical activities which do require onsite visits will be undertaken with the following precautions:
- We will not be shaking hands, maintain as safe a distance between humans with minimal discussions necessary to facilitate service and and/or repair of problem to maintain the safety of all personnel involved.
- Follow all guidelines as stated by the CDC for handling hardware devices to keep the risk of contamination of personnel of the virus as low as possible.
- Our service personnel will work with the customer to take all necessary precautionary steps as they deem fit the situation at the time.
Our goal is to assure you suffer no unnecessary disruption to your operation due to a service requirement and at the same time assure the health and safety of all personnel that may be involved.
If you have any questions, concerns or need further clarification, please reach out directly to our Human Resource Manager:
Rocio Cassai [email protected] (1-562-926-6820 Ext: 7329)